Launch URL
The audience for this document is PACS Administrators, IT personnel and local EHR build teams. These instructions assume some experience with HL7, DICOM, and EHR software.
The ImageMover server can be deployed as an Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) file. Once installed, the server can receive patient information passed to it from the EHR by invoking ImageMover via the https network protocol. The ImageMover server receives and parses the URL from the EHR and returns a QR code that is read by the ImageMover mobile application. This QR code contains an unique key that links the patient information to the image capture session. After images have been captured and sent from the mobile app to the server, the server adds patient information to the images and forwards them to PACS/VNA.
Launching ImageMover
Follow these steps to prepare the EHR for launching ImageMover:
Add an "ImageMover" (or similar) button on the main menu within the EHR
Map the button to the redirector control application activity
Create the EHR URL string for launching ImageMover, described below
Patient- or encounter-specific information is included within the URL and associated with the sent images. Create the launch URL by substituting the string in bold below with information provided by the EHR. Only the patientExternalId
parameter is absolutely necessary to begin transmitting images using ImageMover. However, the EHR integration becomes more meaningful when additional patient information is provided via the URL. This URL will trigger an HTTPS GET request to the ImageMover server.
The right-most column in the following table correspond to the currently supported URL parameters per EHR system integration. These are subject to change as ImageMover software (and/or EHR software) is updated with new versions.
https://hostname/embedded/?patientExternalId=[MRN]&patientLastName=[last name]&patientFirstName=[first name]&patientGender=[gender]&accessionNumber=[accession]&etc...
Standard Parameters
Parameter | Format | Notes | Cerner PowerChart Support | Epic Hyperspace Support | Meditech Support | Allscripts Sunrise Support | Allscripts Touchworks Support |
accessionNumber (recommended) | Populating a unique identifier into this parameter is generally recommended if a link between the exam accession number and a specific encounter is desired. ImageMover also supports an optional accession number prefix. | X | X | X | X | X | |
encounterDate | YYYYMMDD | Date of the patient encounter. | X | X | X | X | |
encounterTime | HHMMSS | Time of the patient encounter. | X | X | X | ||
encounterDepartmentId | Encounter department ID for the patient encounter. | X | X | X | X | ||
encounterDepartmentName | Encounter department name for the patient encounter. | X | X | X | X | ||
encounterFhirId | Encounter FHIR unique ID | X | X | X | X | X | |
encounterMode | C - Commercial Account E - Emergency IP - Inpatient N - Not Applicable B - Obstetrics OP - Outpatient PA - Preadmit RP - Recurring Patient U - Unknown | X | X | X | X | ||
encounterVisitId | May also be known as the CSN or FIN that associates the session with the patient's visit. | X | X | X | X | X | |
encryptedPayload | Enable encryption in Epic, set the pre-derived secret key in this server's EHR configuration and populate this launch parameter with the %CRYPTSTR% token. | X | |||||
hideNavigationTabs | true/false | When true indicates that the navigation tabs should not be displayed. Defaults to false. | X | X | X | X | X |
navigationTabs | Controls which tabs will be visible during this launch. Specify tabs as a comma-delimited list. Order does not matter. Values can include dicom, media, mobile, modality and, if not configured in standalone mode, rounds. | X | X | X | X | X | |
operatorExternalId (recommended) | External ID for the users or operating agent logged into the EHR. | X | X | X | X | ||
operatorFhirId | X | X | X | X | X | ||
operatorFirstName | X | X | X | X | X | ||
operatorLastName | X | X | X | X | X | ||
operatorSuffix | X | X | X | X | X | ||
operatorTitle | X | X | X | X | X | ||
overread | true / false | Indicates that the resulting study should be marked overread required. Defaults to false. | X | X | X | X | X |
patientAccountNumber | X | X | X | X | X | ||
patientDateOfBirth (recommended) | YYYYMMDD | Alternative mechanism to provide the patient's date of birth as a single field. | X | X | X | X | X |
patientExternalId (Required) | Patient MRN or other unique patient identifier. | X | X | X | X | X | |
patientFhirId | Patient's unique FHIR identifier. | X | X | X | X | X | |
patientFirstName (Recommended) | X | X | X | X | X | ||
patientGender (Recommended) | Female, Male, Other, Unknown | X | X | X | X | X | |
patientLastName (Recommended) | X | X | X | X | X | ||
patientMiddleName | X | X | X | X | X | ||
patientSuffix | X | X | X | X | X | ||
patientTitle | X | X | X | X | X | ||
providerExternalId | Unique identifier of the provider. | X | X | X | X | ||
providerFhirId | X | X | X | X | X | ||
providerFirstName | X | X | X | ||||
providerLastName | X | X | X | ||||
providerSuffix | X | X | X | ||||
providerTitle | X | X | X | ||||
sensitive | true / false | Indicates if the resulting study should always be marked sensitive. Defaults to false. | X | X | X | X | X |
sourceSite | Original source site of images. This parameter can be used to identify specific DICOM destinations for images to be sent. | X | |||||
studyDate | YYYYMMDD | Date to be applied to the study containing the captured images and/or video. | X | X | X | X | X |
studyId | X | X | X | X | X | ||
studyReason | Reason for the study. | X | X | X | X | X | |
studyTime | HHMMSS | X | X | X | X | X |
Custom Parameters
In addition, any additional parameters included in the URL will automatically be made available to ImageMover. Examples of custom parameters includepatientFavoriteColor
, providerSpecialty
and billingCode
. These values are stored securely in ImageMover and can be leveraged when sending HL7 messages, sending DICOM images or other with features of the ImageMover platform.
Your ImageMover customer success representative can help you integrate custom parameters for your organization.
Custom Default Tab
By default, ImageMover will open the Mobile Image Capture tab or, if navigationTabs
has been customized, the first available tab based in their natural order on the screen (Mobile, DICOM Uploader, Media Uploader, Modality, etc.).
To control which tab is active by default, add #!/[tab]
to the end of the URL after all other launch parameters. Values can include dicom
, media
, mobile
, modality
and, if not configured in standalone mode, rounds
For example, to open the Modality tab by default from the EHR, the launch URL should be configured like this:
https://hostname/embedded/?patientExternalId=[MRN]&patientLastName=[last name]&patientFirstName=[first name]&patientGender=[gender]&accessionNumber=[accession]#!/modality
Sending HL7 Messages from ImageMover
After sending images to PACS/VNA via DICOM, ImageMover can optionally send an HL7 message to the EHR. Depending on workflow, this step is typically performed by the PACS/VNA as described in the next section.
Example ORM O01 Order Message
*Unless otherwise noted in the table below, the variables highlighted in the example message above come straight from the ImageMover session. See the Launch Parameters section for more information about those variables.
OMR 011 Field Definitions
Spec | Variable | Notes |
MSH-3 | sendingApplication | Configured in HL7 settings. |
MSH-4 | sendingFacility | Configured in HL7 settings. |
MSH-5 | receivingApplication | Configured in HL7 settings. |
MSH-6 | receivingFacility | Configured in HL7 settings. |
MSH-7 | now | Date and time the order was reated. |
MSH-10 | Unique identifier for the message generated automatically by ImageMover. | |
MSH-11.1 | processingId | This is set based on the serverMode setting in General configuration: Production, Training/testing or Debugging. |
PID-3.1 | patientExternalId | |
PID-3.4 | assigningAuthority | Configured in HL7 settings. |
PID-3.6 | assigningFacility | Configured in HL7 settings. |
PID-5.1 | patientLastName | |
PID-5.2 | patientFirstName | |
PID-5.3 | patientMiddleName | |
PID-5.4 | patientTitle | |
PID-5.5 | patientSuffix | |
PID-7 | patientDateOfBirth | |
PID-9 | patientGender | Female, Male, Other or Unknown. |
PID-18 | patientAccountNumber | First of patientAccountNumber, encounterVisitId or patientExternalId. |
PV1-3 | encounterDepartment | First of encounterDepartmentId or encounterDepartmentName. |
PV1-2 | encounterMode | |
PV1-16 | sensitive | Populated with "S" if the corresponding study contains sensitive images. |
PV1-19 | visitNumber | First of encounterVisitId or accessionNumber. |
ORC-1 | orderControl | First of orderControl (populated using HL7 scripting) or NW for new orders, CA for cancelled orders or SC for completed orders. |
ORC-2 | accessionNumber | |
ORC-5 | orderStatus | First of orderStatus (populated using HL7 scripting) or IP for new orders, CA for cancelled orders or CM for completed orders. |
OBR-2.1 | accessionNumber | |
OBR-2.2 | assigningAuthority | Configured in HL7 settings. |
OBR-4.1 | examCode | |
OBR-4.2 | studyDescription | |
OBR-4.3 | codingSystem | Configured in HL7 settings. |
OBR-7 | now | Date and time the order was created. In some cases, such as orders generated from DICOM Uploader, this field will reflect the date and time of the original study. |
OBR-24 | modality | |
OBR-31.2 | studyReason | |
OBR-32.1 | operatorExternalId | |
OBR-32.2 | operatorLastName | |
OBR-32.3 | operatorFirstName | |
OBR-34.1 | operatorExternalId | |
OBR-34.2 | operatorLastName | |
OBR-34.3 | operatorFirstName | |
OBX-5 | observationValue | Digital Photos for Mobile Image Capture and Media Uploader sessions, otherwise studyReason. |
Processing the HL7 Messages
To link to the images sent from the ImageMover server to PACS/VNA, the EHR must create a link using an HL7 "order" message. When the images are available, PACS/VNA typically forwards an HL7 ORU message to the EHR. This message contains a link (usually a URL) used to launch a viewer with the appropriate study. A basic connectivity diagram is shown below:
ImageMover basic HL7 connection diagram
Note! In most clinical workflows, it is preferable for point-of-care mobile images to be directly assocated with the originating patient encounter. Enable MDM message generation inside of ImageMover or route HL7 BSCN messages to an MDM (transcription) interface to accomplish this.
As is noted in the diagram, for most clinical workflows, it is preferable for point-of-care mobile images to be directly associated with the originating patient encounter. This can be most easily accomplished by passing the encounter CSN to ImageMover in the accessionNumber
parameter. ImageMover can be configured to combine the passed encounter CSN with a prefix to facilitate routing HL7 BSCN messages from a PACS/VNA to an MDM (transcription) interface.
Getting Support
Contact ImageMoverMD by phone 608-620-4980 ext 2 or email