Digital clinical pathways through a highly customizable mobile application
The Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust is pioneering point-of-care testing techniques to provide COVID testing at scale. Leveraging technology developed by BridgeHead and ImageMover, Lancashire & South Cambria Trust is performing point-of-care COVID testing with a streamlined mobile application that removes inefficient paper workflows, enabling more capacity for testing, increasing patient throughput, and reducing the need for retesting.
How it works
Highly customized secure mobile testing solution from any device, across different care settings
The illustration above is one example of a variety of point-of-care testing workflows.
““ImageMover has been an outstanding partner and allowed us to rapidly design and deploy a digital solution to support clinical testing workflows. Together we’ve pushed the boundaries of innovation to support our COVID response.””
Integrated workflows to solve new challenges
Secure management of COVID test workflow, from communication to the NHS test subject, to secure identification at the point-of-testing and documentation of the final lab result
Streamlined mobile application links National Health Services patients with point-of-care testing
Test results integration into health record for management, tracking and decision making