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Average annual health system costs associated with uploading CDs of of patients' outside images.

Health systems rely on manual workflows to upload thousands of CDs of outside patient images per month. Some have up to 10 dedicated FTES in central image archive departments manually performing this routine, repeatable tasks.

Complex workflows are often required to import these images into the central archive system and link it to the EHR.  Additionally, manual patient data entry can result in errors and duplicate or incomplete charts.

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web-Based application

Import images into central archive system from any work station in the organization

Import all types of media including PDFs, DICOM, and non-DICOM images


Reduction of manual data entry

Directly integrated with the EHR for autopopulation of the image file with patient data

Eliminates risk of error with manual data entry



Matches the patient with the existing EHR record to avoid duplication or incomplete charts

Allows the team member to review, accept, or update the patient data prior to completion of import